Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Intimate tattoo

Intimate tattoo 1The idea of ​​intimacy tATu built largely on the use of erotic attraction of the female body. It has long been our ancestors were well aware that in the intimate tATu pronounced and manifests one of the deep, beautiful and naked human instincts - to draw attention of the opposite sex! For example, put ornaments spiral shape, signaling a willingness to girls for marriage and men - that it had achieved sexual maturity.
Intimate tattoo 2The reason that people today applied tATu intimacy may be quite different. I think, come to the fore EXPRESSIONS motives, desires to stand out, to emphasize their sex appeal, not to assert themselves at others' expense, and using the resources of his own body and face.

Intimate tattoo 3
 Intimate tattoo can be applied in different colors and shades. To underline certain erotic or sexual advantage of the model does not necessarily make a great and volumetric tattoo. Enough to cover the pattern of the chest, hips, coccyx, or womb. Much depends on the people and their physiology. Someone beautiful breasts, waist, legs. Experienced master strengthen attractive hand painted out flaws. Always be approached carefully to choose the thumbnail. It all depends on the task demonstration. An important role is played by a vision drawing master, but his taste, too, is trust.

Intimate tattoo 4In intimate tATu there once and for all the rules. Respectively, and to make it possible, leveraging any part of the body. FEMALE intimate space decorated with tattoos no less frequently than other parts of the body. Still in fashion - using parichkov intimate, intimate hairstyles, tattoos combination with piercings. And, of course, a lot depends on your grace and plasticity, the ability to show themselves, of emancipation. Therefore, often intimacy tATu do not only strippers or Artist's Model, whose work is the ability to apply it my own body, and simply beautiful girls.

Intimate tattoo 5

Permanent Make-up - the use of the permanent

To its popularity than many permanent makeup cosmetic services, since it is simple and virtually painless procedure and has no age restrictions. A huge audience of women using the procedure once, returning to the salon again - for a new one.

Tattooing with no pain
Tattooing with no pain
Tattooing is a shallow cosmetic tattoo (paint penetrates the skin only by 0.3-0.5 mm), because it does not have to be evident to its excessive brightness. Work on permanent makeup requires special (Rotary) machines are not as durable and resistant paint needed for the tattoo, and the thinner needles.

Permanent make-up lips
Permanent make-up lips
Permanent makeup lip allows a woman to have a clearer form with contouring, saturated color, adjusting or increasing them, without using cosmetics. Lip color should not be too bright, so when choosing a pigment, do not ignore the advice of the wizard. Correction is applied to dye a little more intense, blending partially or fully on the lips. This manipulation will face not only fresh, but also gives it a more groomed appearance.

Permanent makeup eyebrows
Permanent makeup eyebrowsPermanent makeup eyebrow can change their line, closer to the ideal shape, size and color. We solve the main problem - the asymmetry. Changing the brow line, the master reaches its full symmetry. This is done by applying subtle shtrishki that do not break hair. By applying this pattern, eyebrows look natural, as natural. We properly defined eyebrows no hint of interference master, in addition they make almost perfect oval face, which is achieved by the visual effect.

Permanent tattoo eye
Permanent tattoo eye
Has a wide range of features tattoo eye whose performance is quite difficult technically. He is not only correct the shape of the eye, but also gives your lashes a great thickness, will eliminate the asymmetry, which is almost everyone. It can bring about a change of expression eye, only changing the slope applied arrow. This is the most natural, accurate and attractive way to change the appearance.

PERMANENT MAKEUP persists long enough, about 3 years old. With the dying skin cells gradually exfoliate and permanent. Exposure to bright sunlight also helps to reduce the intensity of the color inks used. What is important - make permanent at any age! Before starting the procedure, CONSULT, in what condition your skin, whether it is not prone to allergies.
Tattoo - quite subtle and hard work, and the final result depends on many factors. A skill level of professionals working in the salon, is crucial. The remarkable quality of the materials used in permanent makeup. Therefore, we strongly recommend you not trust your face to unconfirmed studios and master, without obtaining their recommendations. Irritation of the skin and contour irregularities unlikely to please you. Salon "TatuManiya" guarantees its customers the perfect quality and the use of pigments from the leading manufacturers. The professionalism of our artists will not only eliminate the asymmetry face, but hide scars or scars. He is able to transform you!


Puncturing the different parts of the body (most often make themselves pierced ears, eyebrows, tongue, and nipples, navels, and others, including intimate) body parts earrings ("Pierce"), surgical steel and titanium. Can then be inserted ornaments of gold and silver, but in no case of nickel, copper and other base metal.
Today tongue piercings, nose or navel done mainly for decoration. People tend to keep up with fashion, to be like a nice person or a famous person. Sometimes pay tribute masochism or increase sensitivity of the body for sexual merrymaking. Someone has formed a special taste for punk and hard rock - musical styles, where many punks and goths imposed a pierced with pins not only jackets, pants and shoes, but in the eyebrows, nose, nails, some of the time sewed his mouth, ever, trying to stand out, to test yourself. BASED desire to get pierced are deeply personal, intimate reasons, and sometimes accidental. This may be a dispute or a dream, or maybe - the desire to get the "hang out." There sadomasochistic areas where stands a way to test yourself like hanging ...
Any piercing (whether tongue, navel or ear) should be done by a specialist in the interior: there sterilize dressing and advise. The total cost of the procedure consists of the price of jewelry and the wizard. Local anesthesia is used rarely, on request, a puncture particularly sensitive locations. The procedure itself only takes seconds - longer preparation for it. Required sterilization in an autoclave or jewelry with a special solution. Punctures made sure disposable needles. Master in TATUMANII works in disposable medical gloves. Depending on where you partition for decoration. Preparing space for a puncture. Taken special pliers, fixed punctures the place. In the case of a navel piercing use a special kind of piers - jewelry called "bananabels" (due to a special form of navel). A nose piercing is difficult: it is difficult to determine the length of the jewelry, since the inner surface of the nostrils is very rough to the touch. The other types of piercings (ears, tongue, etc.) easier and heal quickly. True, it depends on the ability to heal wounds of the body, and, of course, on the quality of the puncture. For example, if you have not got a tongue piercing for the vessel. No big deal, but it will be a lot of blood.
After the procedure you must give TATUMANII Memo CARE.
Here are the lyrics: After the jewelry under the skin, piercing the skin or cartilage piercing after the puncture and vnuterennyuyu part piers (jewelry) 3-4 times a day is necessary to process a cotton swab moistened with a 3-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide to the complete cessation of emissions at the puncture site . Also, you will help (for the speedy healing) Miramistin, Chlorhexidine bigluconate. Used to treat the puncture spirtosoderzhashie drugs and iodine is not recommended! As 2-3 times a day is recommended to apply a healing ointment ("Solcoseryl", "Actovegin", "Rescue") or bactericidal ("Tetracycline", "Linkomitsinovaya") effect.
When the nipple and navel piercing first 7-10 days excluding bath, sauna, outdoor ponds, swimming pools. Taking a light shower, protect the puncture site bandage soaked in thick cream. Better to wear clothes sovbodnuyu. To protect against friction tight clothing should apply a gauze bandage for 3-4 weeks at the puncture site.
During the day the bandage must remain dry and leaky.
When piercing the lips and tongue is recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate or dilute tincture, "Marigold", "Rotokan", "Rumazolon" - according to instructions. Smoking should be restricted.
Puncture on the face should be limited to the use of make-up and cosmetics.
If you have additional questions, please contact the person to carry out the procedure or admingistratoru salon.
AGE does piercing varies. If we talk about children, it is best to do it, of course, not the baby, and the child at least three or four years, when he understands something and will not raskovyrivat test site. And do not experiment with the child's body for piercing tongue or eyebrows. It is not recommended to change the dressing on their own for 5 months until it has firm skin at the puncture site. When navel piercing or cartilage jewelry should not be removed for at least six months, and better year. The fact that the navel piercing channel formed from connective tissue that heals just 2-3 days and pulled decoration, you can not insert it back. If there are any symptoms, wait until everything is healed, formed rod and try it all over again: the pain will be much less. Gradually, you can extend the piercing hole, inserting a large "tunnel."


To begin with, that will determine the terms commonly used in tattoos (hereinafter - the tattoo). Studying tattoo agree that the term "tattoo" coined the famous traveler Captain James Cook after his voyage to the edge of the hot Oceania and Polynesia. "Tattoo" in the dialect of the islanders meant "paint." In yavaytsev "TAU" - "wound." Today, under the tATu understand "Introduction to the skin by piercing-cutting tool coatings, to obtain long pattern disappears."
Clearly, in different regions of the Earth tATu acquired special features unique to her. For example, the peoples of the north-east of Siberia and Alaska (Chukchi, Hunt, Eskimo, Nenets) cultivated image of a totem animal - the protector of the tribe: Bear, China, Deer. In Scythian chieftains and princesses were drawings of horses, sheep, mythical creatures. Tattoo covered body, arms, legs, face. This was done to mark both of belonging to a particular race, tribe, and to intimidate the enemy in battle. For example, the ancient Slavs like the tattoo was applied himself soldiers ...
We will not speak at length on the subject, because the Internet is full of information about the tattoo. But some mention should be iconic motifs. For example, special shamanic tattoo related in meaning with the healing, predictive, ritual and spell-shaman practice, often - the leader of the tribe. A similar function was carried tattoo in Asia, where (for example, Burmese) acts as an amulet. In Polynesia, for a man or woman of the tribe applying tattoos symbolized marriageable age. In Oceania, in addition to the distinctive character belonging to a particular race, the tattoo was a sign of high social status. Hunters and anglers could tattoo yourself symbols of animals and fish for good luck in fishing, master of various professions - the subject of his work. The leaders of the Maori in New Zealand were very concerned about the fidelity facial tattoo patterns (called "Moko"), placing them carefully redrawn, such as the personal signature of the sale of their land to the British in the cunning XIX century.
Thrives tattoo the sailors, after watching wonders around the world. Everyone knows about the poor Cook, who was a cult devoured the aborigines. But many people forget about the Russian famous explorers like NICHOLAS Maclay or Count Fyodor Tolstoy (the Americans) in the expedition of Admiral Krusenstern, also have made a major contribution to the study of the culture of Oceania (New Guinea, Micronesia), in contrast to the remaining COOK unharmed and had to Body tattoos are American. Image of a turtle meant that its carrier crossed the equator. anchor - that subdued Atlantic sailor, mermaid - the eternal love of the sea. Pirates adorned not only the skull, and the crucifixion - and for the safety net, and perhaps, hoping to soften the judges and executioners.
Today, someone will find a tattoo pattern or aggressive sexual overtones, the desire to speak, to stand out from the crowd. Instead of names common names favorite football and hockey clubs, musical groups. Because people barely acquainted, these days very soon diverge, but the music or your favorite club - it is for life. There remain, of course, marginal groups with sign system tattoos (which would be more correct to call the tattoo), but most people understand that a tattoo today - a great way to beautify themselves, an unusual way to record an event. Benefit of styles, themes and designs in the tattoo a huge number.

History of tattoos

People decorate your body temporary and permanent designs from the most ancient times. According to some historians, this art, more than six millennia. Other researchers attribute tattoo art genre a short story, which, however, in any case, has in any way - at least four thousand years - that is precisely the age of tattooed mummies found in excavations of Egyptian pyramids.
Many interesting phenomena on the earth, the human tradition of decorating your body tattoo, according to scientists, there was a chance, when our ancestors noticed that the healing of cut or burned skin, which accidentally hit black or other coloring matter, form intricate patterns.
In the culture of different nations tattoo perform different functions: the men and women in accordance with certain rules applied to his body paintings to mark important stages of his life and victory over enemies, to intimidate rivals and protection from evil spirits, to protect the skin from frostbite and exposure to salt water, just for beauty. There was, however, an opposite tradition and special stamps to mark tattooed criminals.
Unlike most engineering drawing patterns on the body, the term "tattoo" is quite young - he coined in the late 18th century, the famous explorer James Cook, borrowing from Tahitian dialect, in which he meant "drawing." For a while, under the tattoo understood only procedure used in Tahiti, but gradually the word has acquired a more general meaning. Then, of course, about any tattoo parlors it still did not go.
Despite the fact that the functions of a tattoo in a few thousand years of history of this art have changed, the study natelnyh images of different times and peoples, professional classes and class can be not only interesting, but useful occupation.
Someone not afraid to offer his body a tattoo parlor as a "canvas" for large-scale paintings in the Japanese traditions. Someone categorically refuses strangers creative ideas and draw thousands of sketches to create your original pattern.
On the other hand, to our ancestors, we have a huge advantage for anyone who does figure in modern tattoo parlors that have all the necessary certificates and licenses, good specialists and equipment, this procedure is not only completely safe, but a lot less painful. Psychologists have found that the vast majority of people who first dared to put a tattoo, this experience is not so intimidating. Today, they are applied to the body with the induction machine: piercing the skin up to several thousand times per minute, the needle is minimal it hurts. This technique is used all the modern machines used throughout the world. A tattoo in Moscow or New York - there is no difference, just need to be confident in the professionalism of the master.

What do star tattoos. Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is not left out of the star tattoo epidemic. And one of her latest tattoo - a real family heirloom. It is a ladybug and daisy on her neck. According to the actress, her mother and aunt have made a similar tattoo on the same day as a symbol of union experience. Plus Jessica is a seductive tattoo of a bow on her lower back.

Jessica Alba tattoo

What do star tattoos. Denise Richards

Denise Richards, Charlie Sheen has turned fairy. Do not worry, it is only about the tattoo. Only the name of a talented Hollywood brawler. In a fit of passion Denise graced leg name of her husband. However, after breaking up had to get rid of the reminders of him. And Denise did not get lost. Actress Charlie transformed into a drawing fairies with colorful wings, thus showing that it began a new life in which there is no place of her former husband, but there is a place of miracles.

Denise Richards tattoo

What do star tattoos. Penelope Cruz

When Penelope Cruz made ​​tattoo "883" on her right ankle, she met with Tom Cruise. Many people have wondered what this meant. Fans and journalists assumed that all this is due either to Scientology or with Harley Davidson. But Penelope has not confirmed any of the speculation, saying only that it was her personal tattoo, the meaning of which is known only to her. Perhaps the actress is interested in numerology. It's better than Scientology ...

Penelope Cruz tattoo

What do star tattoos. Angelina Jolie

The exact number of tattoos on the body of Angelina Jolie will not be able to name, perhaps even herself. It is known that the first picture she has appeared in fourteen years. Jolie - an extraordinary woman that reflects her tattoo. Among them - a cross on his thigh with an inscription in Latin Quod me nutrit me destruit («What nourishes me, destroys me and then"), and all sorts of characters with the characters in her arms. The pride Jolie is a powerful tiger on her lower back. By the way, some tattoo actress removed, others - disguised by new (for example, name the ex-lover Billy Bob hide geographic coordinates of the birth of her six children.)

Angelina Jolie tattoo

What do star tattoos. Melanie Griffith

Judging by the tattoos, Melanie Griffith - especially romantic. You must admit, not everyone will knock a huge heart with a man's name on his shoulder. Although for the sake of Antonio Banderas, the faithful husband of actress, many would have made an exception. Besides the name of her lover, actress adorns the neck romantic word Amor. Wow!

Melanie Griffith tattoo

What do star tattoos. Christina Ricci

It is said that as many as 8 Christina Ricci tattoos, but we could see only two. On the right shoulder, the actress portrayed a strange lion. A feeling that it drew a child of preschool age. Maybe the head of a lion scares unworthy knights and evil critics? Or Christina - fan movie "The Chronicles of Narnia"? Also located at the foot of the actress mermaid, which, we think, is somewhat similar to its possessor.

Christina Ricci tattoo

What do star tattoos. Lindsay Lohan

The most scandalous Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan has also had a passion for tattoos. On the left arm of actress inscription "Live without regrets" and "Each star has the right to shine." Additional strokes are tattoo lettering shhh .... on the index finger, a small star on the wrist and the word breathe (breathe) on hand. The latter was made ​​of white ink after a severe attack of asthma. In an interview, Lindsay said that it is her favorite tattoo.

Lindsay Lohan tattoo

What do star tattoos. Victoria Beckham

Mrs Beckham, we have noticed several tattoos. First, the five eight-pointed stars on the back, which represent herself, her husband and three sons (most likely after the birth of baby Harper Seven will be another). Second, the Hebrew inscription "I am my beloved's, and my beloved - I" that adorns the neck Vicki. Incidentally, the same label is and David. Finally, on the left wrist of the former "spice" has a tattoo with the initials of David Beckham and the Hebrew inscription "Together. Forever. "It seems that love couple Bekhemov really limitless.

Victoria Beckham tattoo

What do star tattoos. Katy Perry

Jesus first tattoo on his wrist Katy Perry did when I arrived in Los Angeles. This choice of the singer explains that grew up in a religious family, and believes that God helps her and guides to the right path. Then on the left ankle star appeared smiling strawberry, and on the other a charming mint candy with big eyelashes. Well, the last full of tattoo on the inside of the arm, the same place where her ex-husband, Russell Brand. Sanskrit tattoos are still decorating the hands and Kathy Brand, were made in India during the honeymoon is the former couple. Written there Anuugacchati Pravaha, which means "go with the flow." Sorry, that Perry and Brand off course.

Katy Perry tattoo

What do star tattoos. Kelly Osbourne

Daughter of the great and terrible Ozzy Osbourne just could not get at least a couple of tattoos. But the sum of their body to the singer - 15. Only Kelly would have thought to combine the angel wings on his back with a skull on his feet. Also among the tattoo on the body Osborne - anchor, synthesizer, heart, and several characters. However, the most striking tattoo on the inside of the arm devoted beloved and famous daddy - Daddy Lovely. Lovely, is not it?

Kelly Osbourne tattoo

What do star tattoos. Megan Fox

By the number of tattoos Megan Fox can fight with Angelina Jolie (with her, she seems to us, and rivals). On the right shoulder with Megan - a quote from Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear" ("We will all laugh at the golden butterfly"), under the left rib - the words that reflect the love story itself Fox: "Once upon a time in the world the girl lived, and until they know not love it, until one boy broke her heart not "(no comment). The brightest tattoo Megan - great portrait of Marilyn Monroe on the bottom of the right hand, and the crescent moon overlapping a five-pointed star on the inside of the right foot. Love theme actress also supported the tattoo with the name of a loved one (Brian) just below the right hip.

Megan Fox tattoo

What do star tattoos. Heidi Klum

Strange tattoo on the arm of supermodel and TV host Heidi Klum is a pattern with curl and four stars. Star, as you might guess, symbolize the four wonderful children model. But the meaning of the curl need to break down. We think it is a bit like the name of the Force (or mushroom in section). Your options?

Heidi Klum tattoo

What do star tattoos. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson decorated wrist tattooed bracelet is an inscription on a pendant I Heart NY («I love New York"). Also, the actress "the sun rises" on the forearm, not to mention the tattoo on the leg in the form of two small ovals. And do not expect to solve the values ​​of the last two tattoos. On the reasons for which they were made, principally Scarlett does not apply.

Scarlett Johansson tattoo

What do star tattoos. Rihanna

It looks like Rihanna's tattoos have as many music awards, if not more. On her right leg flaunts musical note on the back and up to the back of the head is a beautiful trail of stars, and the left side is decorated with Arabic script (translated as "Freedom - in God"). Also, we have seen: a call for silence Shhh ... on the index finger, the inscription in French on the left side of the neck Rebelle Fleur (which means "rebellious flower") and funny skull with flirty red bow on her ankle. But this is not all! According to rumors, for a total of as many as 16 of Rihanna's body tattoos!

Rihanna tattoo

Lady Gaga has revealed a new tattoo

Lady Gaga fans on Twitter rejoice: their favorite shows of his celestial body, which shows her new tattoo in the form of an anchor.

Lady Gaga has revealed a new tattoo

Lady Gaga has got another pattern on the body - "Mermaid symbol" depicting a small anchor on the left side of the singer. This is her eleventh tattoo in a row, most of them decorated with just the left side of the body of singer. First tattoo the singer had done in 17 years - it was a treble clef on the back. Then he tired of the girl, and she was converted to an three roses entwined with vines.
Stuffed tattoo famous mistress' underwear painting "Kat Von Dee, which at that time had no idea that makes the picture on the TV of the future world stars. But then it gave more than a dozen interviews about how the process went. It turns out that Lady Gaga does not like the color patterns, preferring black and white. Therefore, all the tattoos on her body made ​​in this color scheme - including a new anchor.