Tuesday, September 4, 2012


To begin with, that will determine the terms commonly used in tattoos (hereinafter - the tattoo). Studying tattoo agree that the term "tattoo" coined the famous traveler Captain James Cook after his voyage to the edge of the hot Oceania and Polynesia. "Tattoo" in the dialect of the islanders meant "paint." In yavaytsev "TAU" - "wound." Today, under the tATu understand "Introduction to the skin by piercing-cutting tool coatings, to obtain long pattern disappears."
Clearly, in different regions of the Earth tATu acquired special features unique to her. For example, the peoples of the north-east of Siberia and Alaska (Chukchi, Hunt, Eskimo, Nenets) cultivated image of a totem animal - the protector of the tribe: Bear, China, Deer. In Scythian chieftains and princesses were drawings of horses, sheep, mythical creatures. Tattoo covered body, arms, legs, face. This was done to mark both of belonging to a particular race, tribe, and to intimidate the enemy in battle. For example, the ancient Slavs like the tattoo was applied himself soldiers ...
We will not speak at length on the subject, because the Internet is full of information about the tattoo. But some mention should be iconic motifs. For example, special shamanic tattoo related in meaning with the healing, predictive, ritual and spell-shaman practice, often - the leader of the tribe. A similar function was carried tattoo in Asia, where (for example, Burmese) acts as an amulet. In Polynesia, for a man or woman of the tribe applying tattoos symbolized marriageable age. In Oceania, in addition to the distinctive character belonging to a particular race, the tattoo was a sign of high social status. Hunters and anglers could tattoo yourself symbols of animals and fish for good luck in fishing, master of various professions - the subject of his work. The leaders of the Maori in New Zealand were very concerned about the fidelity facial tattoo patterns (called "Moko"), placing them carefully redrawn, such as the personal signature of the sale of their land to the British in the cunning XIX century.
Thrives tattoo the sailors, after watching wonders around the world. Everyone knows about the poor Cook, who was a cult devoured the aborigines. But many people forget about the Russian famous explorers like NICHOLAS Maclay or Count Fyodor Tolstoy (the Americans) in the expedition of Admiral Krusenstern, also have made a major contribution to the study of the culture of Oceania (New Guinea, Micronesia), in contrast to the remaining COOK unharmed and had to Body tattoos are American. Image of a turtle meant that its carrier crossed the equator. anchor - that subdued Atlantic sailor, mermaid - the eternal love of the sea. Pirates adorned not only the skull, and the crucifixion - and for the safety net, and perhaps, hoping to soften the judges and executioners.
Today, someone will find a tattoo pattern or aggressive sexual overtones, the desire to speak, to stand out from the crowd. Instead of names common names favorite football and hockey clubs, musical groups. Because people barely acquainted, these days very soon diverge, but the music or your favorite club - it is for life. There remain, of course, marginal groups with sign system tattoos (which would be more correct to call the tattoo), but most people understand that a tattoo today - a great way to beautify themselves, an unusual way to record an event. Benefit of styles, themes and designs in the tattoo a huge number.

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