Tuesday, September 4, 2012

History of tattoos

People decorate your body temporary and permanent designs from the most ancient times. According to some historians, this art, more than six millennia. Other researchers attribute tattoo art genre a short story, which, however, in any case, has in any way - at least four thousand years - that is precisely the age of tattooed mummies found in excavations of Egyptian pyramids.
Many interesting phenomena on the earth, the human tradition of decorating your body tattoo, according to scientists, there was a chance, when our ancestors noticed that the healing of cut or burned skin, which accidentally hit black or other coloring matter, form intricate patterns.
In the culture of different nations tattoo perform different functions: the men and women in accordance with certain rules applied to his body paintings to mark important stages of his life and victory over enemies, to intimidate rivals and protection from evil spirits, to protect the skin from frostbite and exposure to salt water, just for beauty. There was, however, an opposite tradition and special stamps to mark tattooed criminals.
Unlike most engineering drawing patterns on the body, the term "tattoo" is quite young - he coined in the late 18th century, the famous explorer James Cook, borrowing from Tahitian dialect, in which he meant "drawing." For a while, under the tattoo understood only procedure used in Tahiti, but gradually the word has acquired a more general meaning. Then, of course, about any tattoo parlors it still did not go.
Despite the fact that the functions of a tattoo in a few thousand years of history of this art have changed, the study natelnyh images of different times and peoples, professional classes and class can be not only interesting, but useful occupation.
Someone not afraid to offer his body a tattoo parlor as a "canvas" for large-scale paintings in the Japanese traditions. Someone categorically refuses strangers creative ideas and draw thousands of sketches to create your original pattern.
On the other hand, to our ancestors, we have a huge advantage for anyone who does figure in modern tattoo parlors that have all the necessary certificates and licenses, good specialists and equipment, this procedure is not only completely safe, but a lot less painful. Psychologists have found that the vast majority of people who first dared to put a tattoo, this experience is not so intimidating. Today, they are applied to the body with the induction machine: piercing the skin up to several thousand times per minute, the needle is minimal it hurts. This technique is used all the modern machines used throughout the world. A tattoo in Moscow or New York - there is no difference, just need to be confident in the professionalism of the master.

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