Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lady Gaga has revealed a new tattoo

Lady Gaga fans on Twitter rejoice: their favorite shows of his celestial body, which shows her new tattoo in the form of an anchor.

Lady Gaga has revealed a new tattoo

Lady Gaga has got another pattern on the body - "Mermaid symbol" depicting a small anchor on the left side of the singer. This is her eleventh tattoo in a row, most of them decorated with just the left side of the body of singer. First tattoo the singer had done in 17 years - it was a treble clef on the back. Then he tired of the girl, and she was converted to an three roses entwined with vines.
Stuffed tattoo famous mistress' underwear painting "Kat Von Dee, which at that time had no idea that makes the picture on the TV of the future world stars. But then it gave more than a dozen interviews about how the process went. It turns out that Lady Gaga does not like the color patterns, preferring black and white. Therefore, all the tattoos on her body made ​​in this color scheme - including a new anchor.

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